Are the Junior Doctor Contracts Legal?

We question whether the imposition of Junior Doctor Contracts was actually legal - changing someones contract without agreeing to it

It was always dubious that the imposition of Junior Doctor Contracts was actually legal – in the corporate world (or indeed anywhere else), changing someone’s contract without them agreeing to it effectively amounts to constructive dismissal.

Interesting that the government has now changed the wording of their proposed measures to “introducing” new contracts – this obviously implies that you are introducing an idea and should someone not agree to it, well then it won’t go ahead. That seemed to not be the case here. The Independent looks at the implications of what this change of wording means.

The timing of this is interesting given the government’s upcoming judicial review at the High Court of the legality of the contracts. Another cynical goverment ploy to get themselves out of a tricky legal situation?

Perhaps this is the beginning of the end for Mr Hunt….


Check out more on the junior doctor contracts on our blog.

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Sara Sabin

With a solid corporate background, Sara specialises in advising doctors in how to prepare a non-medical CV and how to prepare for a non-medical interview. She is also the Co-Founder of Medic Footprints.