Practical tips to setting up a live workshop for doctors

Dr. Paul Hercock tells us how he set up a live workshop for doctors on Pharmaceutical careers, and gives practical tips to help you set up your own workshop

Meet Dr. Paul Hercock.

Doctor, author, entrepreneur, mentor and now an International Medical Advisor for an Orthobiotics company. He wrote the bestselling ebook, Beyond the Ward; a book outlining a proven formula for doctors who want to move beyond clinical practice. 

We have a quick catch up with him to find out how he developed a pharma workshop from the book and what practical tips to help you set up your own workshop for doctors.  

Why did you set up a Pharmaceutical Careers for Doctors Workshop in London?

I was very pleased with the e-book I’d written on the same subject, but every book has limitations and I thought the best way around them was to set up a course. You can get loads of information from a book but you can’t interact with it, ask it questions, or be dynamic with it. For all of those you need a face-to-face event, therefore a live workshop for doctors was ideal.

What were your expectations for the course?

My expectations were that it would be a challenging experience. This was the first time I’d set up something of this nature so I expected to encounter a steep learning curve requiring lots of work to overcome.

What are your general thoughts on the experience?

It was a challenge but it was hugely enjoyable and worth every bit of effort. I was rewarded for my detailed preparatory work with a feeling of confidence on the day. It was truly gratifying to see people taking real value from the course and fantastically satisfying to get good feedback.

After running a successful live workshop for doctors, what are your thoughts and plans for further courses?

I definitely plan on running more courses later in the year. Having prepared all the material it makes sense to keep using it and I really believe in the value it brings to others. I really look forward to them.

What are your practical tips and advice for doctors setting up their own courses and live workshops?

Don’t be afraid to give it a go. Focus on something you are really passionate about and that you think is not sufficiently addressed elsewhere. My goal was to provide to others what I wish I’d known myself back when my journey to pharma started, and this perspective could be a good one for others to follow.

Did you experience any unexpected challenges?

Choosing the venue was a lot more tricky than I expected. I spent a lot of time trying to find the ‘perfect’ venue at an affordable price before realising that people only really notice the venue if it’s manifestly unsuitable. In the end, I used a room in a language school, which was perfect as a teaching environment.

Are you interested in setting up your own course or event for doctors and seeking advice or mentorship? Contact the Medic Footprints team and we’ll see if we can help!

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