How I Turned my Passion for Tutoring into a Medical Portfolio Career
Do you have a special interest in working with young people? Do you have a desire to improve the lives of young people by inspiring them to be the best person they can be?
We catch up with Dr. Sade A. Allotey. She founded an organisation called TMiP (The Making It Programme) which provides educational support to young people through Tutoring and Mentoring schemes. We find out how she ended up in this role and how she balances tutoring and medical practice.

Dr Sade Allotey shares all about how she started The Making It Programme (TMiP), and how she developed her dream tutoring portfolio career.
How did you start your organisation, TMiP?

I have always been passionate about inspiring the younger generation. After undertaking my GCSE exams I realised that the excellent grades I achieved were not by chance- there were specific things I did at the time which I could credit my grades to. It was during this period that I started sharing exam success tips with students in the younger years. I also did something similar for A-Level students at my college after completing my A-Levels. By then I was tutoring and mentoring in my free time.
The vision for TMiP stems from the realisation that many students struggle with the idea of having to sit exams, and as a result, most lack inspiration and motivation to prepare for them.
We have since worked with numerous students of various abilities. I have written Exam Success guides for GCSEs & A-Levels and created Study & Revision Essentials Sets which aid students in starting off or improving their revision. We also deliver talks and seminars in Schools, Colleges and other organisations on revision skills, personal development and career choices including medicine.
What is your main passion in life?
My main passions are:
- Improving the lives of patients using my medical knowledge, clinical skills and personal skills.
- Improving the lives of young people by inspiring them to aim for the best they can achieve, using my personal experiences, knowledge and network.
How do you manage to balance your tutoring and medical practice?
I am so passionate about what we do, it comes so naturally and I just make the time for it really! I see it as a way to give back and invest in young people. It is so enjoyable and rewarding, and it has given me the opportunity to meet so many amazing people whilst changing lives at the same time. Most importantly, having an amazing team has been very instrumental in helping me get a good balance.
What kind of response do you get from colleagues when they hear what you do other than medicine?
Surprisingly, the responses have been very good! Most people are intrigued by what we do and how it all started. I receive various questions about specific services, the age groups we work with and our upcoming events. Some colleagues have even enquired about getting support for their children!
What advice would you give to medics considering a portfolio career?
I would say follow your heart and passion, especially when it involves helping others. For something you enjoy doing, you just have to take the first step and the next steps will come as you go along. A portfolio career opens you up to many other opportunities, and it builds abilities and skills you may not know you possess!
Check out our members webinar “Portfolio Careers for Doctors 101: Utilising Key Strategies to Support your Life Goals“
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