Building Relationships with Medics is the Key

Here we – the MF team – share our hard-won insights on how to cultivate relationships with medics as prospective employees.  Tip #1: Keep It Personal Regardless of whether you work for an organisation, always keep it personal i.e. it’s…

Here we – the MF team – share our hard-won insights on how to cultivate relationships with medics as prospective employees. 

Tip #1: Keep It Personal

Regardless of whether you work for an organisation, always keep it personal i.e. it’s all about building mutual trust and relationship. The medic may see the company name and logo – but it’s an individual human being they’ll be connecting with. The impression you make will almost certainly be remembered – whether they join your organisation tomorrow or in 10 years.

Tip #2: Utilise the Medics You Know

Medics connect best with other medics. So draw on your existing medic employees to be the face of your outreach activities. They ‘speak the language’ so empower them to represent your organisation. In particular, incentivise them to reach out to their networks of peers and friends. Word of mouth is always best, after all.

Tip #3: Gather Your Intel

Create opportunities to find out what motivates and moves medics. This can then inform and guide your candidate attraction strategies. Let them tell you what they want and expect from employers – it’s a lot quicker and more effective than guessing!

We have plenty more ideas designed to help you so don’t hesitate to get in touch at!

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Owen Bubbers-Jones