Medical Salaries and Employment in South Africa

Working as a medical doctor in South Africa is highly lucrative in both public and private sectors (more so in the latter). With relatively low costs of living, one can live a financially secure lifestyle as a medic.

Below are the approximate median annual salaries of doctors in South Africa at different grades.


Postgrad Year

Salary in Rands
Medical Officer 1


487 000
Medical Officer 2


557 000
Medical Officer 3


646 000
General Practice


300 000 – 500 000

500 000 +

If planning to work in hospital, your job offer will require a minimum of 1 year commitment. In reality, foreign doctors who intend to stay for a year, may be able to negotiate some time off with their medical manager, before the end of their contract.

Doctors working in rural areas will benefit from the Rural Living Allowance which will add 10% of your annual salary to your income.