4 Steps to Approach Career Change
Made up your mind that it's time to change your career, but not quite sure what you should do next? Here are our go-to steps to approach career change
Well done, you’ve finally made up your mind that it’s time to change your career. However, you’re not quite sure what you should do next. What do you do? Here we share our go-to steps to approach career change…
When you go to interview, a potential employer wants to hear about all of the positive reasons why you’re there, not all the negative reasons why you’re leaving the NHS. In order to have the best chance of giving a cogent answer as to why you’re there, you need to have done your research!
If it is possible speak to people already in industry (this is why going to networking events is good). This will give you a good idea of the pros and cons of working in this industry and also help you to ascertain whether it would suit your personality type. What skills and experience do you already have that would make you suitable for the job and what gaps do you need to fill? For example, do you need to do further studying?
The joy of being in a social media age means that you can network both online and offline – go to networking events, connect with relevant people on LinkedIn and Twitter. As you foster connection with people in your chosen career field, you may well learn about job opportunities and it also manifests your interest in your chosen path.
This may not be as black and white as going out there and paying a small fortune to study again. There may be various routes that will allow you to get to your chosen destination – always weigh up cost v benefit.
Investigate your options – are there soft skills that you can work on? Are there less intensive online courses that you can do that will demonstrate your dedication to a new career?
For certain careers, you will have to accept that you may have to do new qualifications, for example law or accountancy.
How do you gain experience in your chosen new career?
This could be challenging if you are working full time. Can you volunteer or do short term internships during your holiday time? Often, if you do work experience and really make a powerful impact, then employers may well recruit you.
Good luck in changing career!
If you have any questions for us at Medic Footprints about career transition, then do drop us a line via our Contact form.
Join us at our networking events, which are being constantly updated.
Or visit our Career Coach page.

Sara Sabin

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