FAQs for Travel Doctorpreneurs Opportunity

We have compiled a list of FAQs specifically for doctors!

Please read through these carefully, and if anything is not covered, do email us.


What kind of doctors are you looking for to join the Travel Doctorpreneur opportunity?

I have no previous business experience can this still work for me?

Yes, it certainly can.

You will have access to top notch business training, a blueprint to business success that you can duplicate and mentorship to guide and support you achieve your goals.

I have no previous experience in travel how can I be a travel agent?

All the necessary training will be provided, you can go through it in your own time.

You will also have free access to specialist travel training course to become a destination or travel niche specialist, e.g Wedding and Honeymoon specialist, Golf specialist, Disney specialist etc.

You can also combine your medical and travel hats and specialize in Geriatric travel, Disability travel, Pregnancy Retreats Specialist, Gluten Free travel specialist, etc.

I wish to continue with my clinical role, can I still apply for the Travel Doctorpreneur opportunity?

Yes, you can.

This opportunity is a great side or part-time hustle that you can grow alongside other commitments.

It works well alongside a full-time job, a full-time commitment (e.g. kids), as part of a portfolio career, or alongside other businesses.


How much time do I need to dedicate for this?

The opportunity is 100% flexible, you can spend 10 minutes or 10 hours a week. There are no targets, no quotas and earnings don’t reset at the end of the month (unlike other business models).

You can book 1 holiday or 100 holidays, share the opportunity with 1 person or 100 in whatever time frame you wish.

Would I need to declare this at my apprasials?

No, you don’t need to declare working as an independent travel agent at your medical appraisals.

What do I need to make this a successful venture?

You need to be coachable, determined to achieve your goals, and willing to work with your business mentors to grow and develop your business and to overcome business challenges.

What risks do I need to consider?

How would this affect my clinical career?

There are no bearings on your clinical work or any other work you are committed to.

This opportunity can open networking doors for you to access people and/or opportunities you wouldn’t have had access to before.

What if it doesn't work out for me?

Having tested and tried this business ourselves, we are happy to report the worst case scenario is that you book a holiday at a great price and have fun!

If you feel that it’s not working for you then you can cancel your business membership.

It seems too good to be true, is that the case?

We know what you mean, and we thought the same. Now we totally think that it is good and it is true.

InteleTravel is a leading company in the home-based travel business arena, they have over 30 years experience.

InteleTravel is a proud member of ABTA, and have hold an ATOL licence and a premier CLIA membership.

They are rated A+ on BBB and have won several Magellan Travel Awards.

Plannet Marketing is the company that helps you to build your team, provides training resources for growing your business and the business model for helping others to set up their own businesses.

Why is the financial remuneration in this business different from a job or a traditional business model?

The opportunity for financial growth in this business model is huge because compensation is based on the concept of leverage.

Robert Kiyosaki’s cash flow quadrant is a great way to explain this, when you are in a job or a traditional business model you trade your time for money; you will not be able to earn an income when you are not working.

When you have a system that makes your money work for you and pays you residual income then you are earning via leverage and you will be able to achieve time and money freedom.

What financial returns can I realistically expect?

The average income earner generates a 3-4 figure income on a monthly basis while investing an hour a day in their business.

The top income earners in the company earn 6-7 figures annually while working the business on full time basis.

The income is uncapped, and paid out in multiple streams of direct, leveraged and residual compensation for sharing the business with others.


When is the best time to apply for this opportunity?

The best time was 2 years ago, the next best time is NOW.

The company is fast approaching momentum, that’s the phase of business where 6-7 figure income earners are made.

Harvard Business School states that if there were less than 500,000 people in the company, you would be on the cutting edge of a great opportunity. If the company has less than 100,000, Harvard Business School considers it to be a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Our company has just hit 110,000 agents, [updated Feb 2024].

What if COVID 2.0 happens?

Great question!

Inteletravel membership grew by 40% during COVID 2019. Travel agents made £12 million worth of sales in 2019. There was a strong demand on domestic travel in addition to future bookings for destinations abroad.

The company was one of the very few travel companies who survived the pandemic, not only that, it thrived and came out bigger and better.

If God forbid we face another COVID pandemic we will continue to grow and thrive.

What does the future look like for this opportunity?

Inteletravel is projected to be a billion-dollar global enterprise by 2024. Travel sales have reached an all time high of £1 million a week since January 2023 till now.

New travel suppliers have joined us and more are planned to join and provide more travel services to customers. The technology budget has been doubled to offer agents and customers better booking experience.

PlanNet marketing is on the verge of momentum phase of business, this is where millionaires are made according to Harvard Business School.

We are set to be the leading home based travel agency world wide.

What guarantees does the company offer?

InteleTravel provides the following InteleTrust guarantees:

100% “No Questions Asked” Money Back Guarantee: If you are dissatisfied with InteleTravel’s renowned Home-Based Travel Advisor Program for any reason in your first 30 days after enrollment, simply cancel in writing during that time for a full 100% refund of enrollment fees paid to InteleTravel.

Profit Guarentee: If you do not earn and/or save more in your first year as an InteleTravel Advisor than it costs you in fees paid to InteleTravel, they will refund you the difference!*

*conditions apply

How do I get started?

What is the enrollment process?

After you have successfully submitted your application, you will be invited to complete your enrollment in the business.

The enrollment will take 5-10 minutes following which you will be issued with you platform access.

Our team will reach out to you to schedule your onboarding call and walk you through the next steps.

What happens after onboarding?

You will be welcomed into our community communication channels on Slack, and have access to the group training.

You will have a business mentor who will conduct your business strategy call and guide you through the next steps depending on the goals you choose.

You can also opt to be part of the Buddy Sandwich system we have in our team to have a further layer of support in your business.


How much training do I have to go through?

You’ll be required to go through the mandatory training that all travel agents have to complete.

It’s in video (on demand) format, and takes 5-6 hours to complete.

There is supplementary business training and niche specialist travel training that you can go through depending on your needs and at your own pace.

All our team members will have a 1:1 game plan call with our team director to help them set their goals and sign posts to any additional training or resources required.

We also have group training and on demand webinars.